mercoledì 7 aprile 2010

Le Pharaon casino in Lyon was the target

 LYON, France, April 5 (UPI)   A team of masked thieves burst into a crowded French casino, fired their assault rifles into the ceiling and made off with nearly $39,000, police say.
The Sunday snatch and dash at the Le Pharaon casino in Lyon took just 3 minutes, Radio France Internationale reported Monday. The headquarters of the international police agency Interpol are just down the street.
It was the third high-profile casino robbery in Europe recently. The other two were in Switzerland and Germany.
At the Lyon gambling venue, four men used an angle grinder to break into the cashiers' area, while an accomplice waited outside. They all fled in a black BMW. Two security guards received minor injuries.
"They moved very quickly, they were there for barely 2 minutes -- the time it took to get into the cashiers using the angle grinder," a police investigator said.

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